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Trek Route: Rajgad-Torna-Walanjai Darwaja-Gelgani-Harpud-Mohari-Boratyachi Naal -Raigad (Only For Hardcore Trekkers ) 1.One Historic Old Route 2.Two Capital Forts 3.Three Important Fort 4.Rayling Pathar Tent Camping 5.Thrilling Boratyachi naal 6.Different views of Rajgad ,Torna ,Lingana & Raigad

  • Date:01-02-2019 06:00 - 03-02-2019 23:30
  • Location Rajgad - Torna Trek Path, Charhat Wadi, Maharashtra, India (Map)



DAY 01

  • Pickups 06:00-07:00

  • Reach Base Village Gunjwane

  • Breakfast

  • Start Trek Rajgad

  • Reach Padmavati Temple

  • Visit Suvela Machi ,Balekilla

  • Lunch

  • Post lunch Start Towards Torna

  • Start Descending Down

  • Reach Bapuji Buva Khind

  • Evening Tea

  • Campfire,Dinner

  • Retire For The Day 

DAY 02

  • Wake Up 5.00 am

  • Get Ready Till 6.00 am

  • Breakfast ,Tea

  • Start Ascending Torna

  • Reach Mengai Temple

  • Visit Hanuman Buruj ,Toranjai Temple Etc

  • Start descending Down To bhatti Via Walunjai Darwaja

  • Lunch

  • Post Lunch Start Towards Mohari Village

  • Evening Tea

  • Dinner,Campfire

  • Go to bed Rayling Pathar(Tents Will Be Provided)

DAY 03

  • Wake Up

  • Get Ready

  • Breakfast ,Tea

  • Start Descending Via Boratyachi Nal

  • Reach Pane

  • Small 20 min Break

  • walk Further To Raigadwadi

  • Start Ascending Capital Raigad Via Pachad Khind

  • Reach Raigad Top

  • Lunch

  • Post Lunch Explore Raigad

  • Evening Tea

  • Start Return Journey

  • Reach Pune By 10 pm + – 1 hr  

Cancellation & Refund

Please send your request on

Email to


Text/Whats app to 9284404477

Trek Charges Refund

  • Cancelled before 72 hrs to trek start time : Refund 90%

  • Ex. If event start time is Sat 6.30 am, cancellation until Wed 6.30 am comes in this category

  • Cancelled within 72 hrs to trek start time : Refund 50%

  • Ex. If event start time is Sat 6.30 am, cancellation between Wed 6.30 am until bus departure

  • No Show : Refund 25%

  • Ex.If no intimation to coordinator using the contact info provided or informed after bus departure time.